1.A more common use for this kind of code block is to assign values to variables, as you can see at the top of the view page.
2.This is just a simple example of the type of common use cases that Aptana's Cloud platform provides out of the box.
3.In all of the classification arithmetic, decision tree is a technique which is in common use and easy to implement.
4.All that said, ESB is an established term, so it will be in common use for some time to come.
5.The surface of the hypoeutectic white cast iron of great wearable work piece in common use was treated by laser hardening.
6.Among the numerous methods transmitting messages and communicating data, SOCKET communication mechanism is in common use.
7.The sensor middleware is often also called RFID Middleware because of the common use of RFID solutions today.
8.As I said in my introduction, a common use case for RCC is creating UI widgets.
9.A common use case of this configuration is an application that embeds or interacts with native C or C++ code libraries.
10.A common use-case in applications that interact with a content repository is to display or download content directly from a URL.